
WormGPT- An AI tool for advanced cyber attacks

Discover WormGPT, a potent cybercrime AI tool automating the creation of deceptive emails, fueling successful phishing and BEC attacks.

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BlackByte 2.0 ransomware attack investigation

Ransomware attacks plague businesses, with Microsoft's Response team uncovering alarming velocity and destruction of BlackByte 2.0 ransomware.

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SQL injection vulnerabilities in Gentoo Soko

Discover critical SQL injection flaws in Gentoo Soko, a popular Go software module, which was exposed in March 2023 in this insightful threat bulletin.

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Mockingjay process injection technique

Learn about Mockingjay process injection— an advanced technique evading security with threat actors leveraging DLLs & RWX permissions in Windows executables.

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Adapting and evading detection by Vidar malware

Vidar malware operators adopt IP rotation, Moldovan & Russian providers to evade detection. Discover the evolving threat in this bulletin.

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Visual Studio vulnerability- Malicious extension attacks

High-risk vulnerability discovered in Microsoft Visual Studio installer allows malicious actors to distribute dangerous extensions undetected.

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Evolution of Blackcat ransomware

Explore the evolving cybercrime tactics with Sphynx strain of BlackCat ransomware in this insightful threat bulletin.

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GobRAT trojan targets Japanese network infrastructures

Look into GobRAT, an Advanced Linux RAT targeting Japanese routers, exploits router vulnerabilities & impersonates Apache daemon for stealthy infections.

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Impact of emerging RaaS MichaelKors on VMware ESXi Systems

Learn about MichaelKors RaaS, targeting Linux and VMware ESXi systems, in this revealing threat bulletin.

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